"It is Fun to Have Fun" โ€” Dr. Seuss

We love to see the joy on a dogโ€™s face when given a new toy! Sometimes they pick them out themselves when they visit
our Kennebunkport shop or we get to share their excitement through an email, review or social share.
Our shop may be small but our toy selection is mighty. We know dogs play differently so we offer a variety of toys to stimulate
and entertain different play styles. We have toys to fetch, to float, to chew, to snuggle, to stuff and to challenge.
We have toys for tiny dogs and toys for big dogs as well as every size in between. Our standards are wag-worthy
but we always remind our customers itโ€™s trial and error with dog toys. Every toy will taste, smell and perform differently for each dog.
We believe seeing what makes your scalawagโ€™s tail wag with joy is the best part of toy shopping!
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